Saturn: Now what is the name of the famous news anchor on CNN on Earth with a show called 360 who reeeeeeally likes soup? 😉
Venus: Andercorn Souper!
Saturn: Now what is the name of the famous news anchor on CNN on Earth with a show called 360 who reeeeeeally likes soup? 😉
Venus: Andercorn Souper!
Q: What was eating Gilbert’s gape?
Uranus: A taco eating a pizza!
Uranus: Neptune, your freckles make you look like a freak!
Neptune:I’m sorry. I can’t help it. It’s just the way I look.
Uranus: Heh, well they look like freakles to me! That’s right. You heard me Freakles, you freakin freak!
[Neptune hangs his head in shame. A sense of shame pervades the solar system, except for Uranus who feels proud of his clever remark, but this pride gives way to shame for having shamed his friend. Everyone is ashamed.]
Jupiter: C’mon guys, let’s listen to this Korn cd titled Freak on a Leash together and enjoy these funky rock grooves together.
[Everyone complies but there is still a pretty weird vibe in the solar system. Uranus continues to hang his head in shame and avoids being in the Sun.]
Q: What was the name of the famous space telescope that NASA put in space that forgot to shave?
A: The STUBBLE telescope!!!
Venus: Since they did away with slavery on Earth, do you think that everything will be cool now?
Mars: Eh, I don’t know.
Morgan Freeman: You guys should really watch Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. I talk a lot on it and it’s pretty cool stuff about space and stuff. I also believe that Visa is an excellent company to provide banking services and stuff like that on Earth.
Pluto: Oh no! More again from you Morgan Freeman??!
Neptune: Pluto, that’s not very nice. Morgan Freeman has every right to say what is on his mind.
Uranus: That’s right.
Uranus: My mouth tastes really nasty!
Neptune: You should brush your teeth!
Earth: Well time to get dressed up for a funeral.
[ puts on a suit and tie ]
Venus: Whos funeral is it?
Earth: It is a star in NGC 246
Venus: That’s sad.
Earth: But the unfortunate thing is that it is going to take thousands of years for the star to die completely.
Venus: That’s going to be a lonnnnng funeral!!! 😛
[ Earth and Uranus have on the same tie at the funeral ]
Q. Why did Galileo look at the telescope’s anus?
A. To see Uranus!
Q. Why did Neptune fuck Uranus?
A. Because he wanted to stick it where the Sun don’t shine!!!!
Saturn and Uranus were gettin’ it on!
THAT SHITS GAY DUDE! Â Go run a train on Venus!